Health in the 90's


In the 1990's one of the big things in health was new vaccines. Below are some new vaccines, what they did, and what they stopped.
-  LYMErix
LYMErix was a vaccine that prevented Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is a disease that is found in animals that have the genus of Borrelia. After this b=vaccine was approved to be used for treatment, the vaccine entered use slower that imagined for many reasons. One of these reason was the cost.Also a lot of patients reported that they had autoimmune side effects to the vaccine. This wasn't good for the people or the company who created this vaccine. After people realized that this vaccine wasn't worth it LYMErix was pulled of of the market.
- Varicella Vaccine
The Varicella Vaccine is the vaccine for chicken pox. Can you believe that this vaccine wasn't invented until the 90's? Because this vaccine was invented hundreds of children have lived. This vaccine has been recommend to many countries and many countries have already required, or not required but HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend it to all newborn babies. That's one vaccine that's still around and used today.
- Rotavirus Vaccine
This vaccine protects children from rotaviruses, which are viruses that can lead to serious cases of diarrhea in infants and children. This vaccine was put on the market in 1998, but was taken off of the market in 1999 after the creator discovered that the vaccine might lead to intussusception, or a bowel infection.

Food Safety

In the 90's the biggest event in health was the "Food Safety Act." The food safety act was a very complex act but the act talked about the safety of food from the manufactures to the consumers. The act talks about the cleanliness of machines and how things are run at the food factories and the groccery stores, basically anything that handles food and hoe it needs to be clean. 
Below is a Document of the Food Safety Act
Food Safety Act
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